A Smile Is Born!

Hey there! I'm Will. Well, that's me as a baby. It's really nice to meet you! I really appreciate you for taking the time to visit my site. I love having guests, and you're no exception.

While you're here... let's take a trip down memory lane, and I'll show you all my favorite experiences that have made me ME!

William Nguyen as a baby
SEPT 2003
SEPT 2006

My First Computer!

Since I was a kid, I LOVED to play. I played everything, from Mario to multiplication games on a light-up toy to board games like Exploding Kittens with my family. My parents wanted me to be curious growing up so instead of playing with just stuffed animals, they let me play with electronic devices like the toy computer shown in the image, a light-up keyboard piano, and finally my very own laptop.

I still reminisce on the days my dad would warn me about viruses and teach me about the difference between memory and RAM. As a kid, everything went into one ear and out the other, but 20 years later, I finally learned the difference after taking my first computer architecture class, CS61C.

William Nguyen as a baby holding a toy computer
William sitting on a rock at Yosemite

Willy Explores the Wilderness!

I love spending time outdoors, exploring, and just wandering, without the intent of finding something particular. The most beautiful things in life appear when you let your mind wander. Growing up, I didn't care about what other people were doing or thinking. I was in my own little world just taking it all in. My love for exploring led to curiosity, which bred creativity and serendipity.

When I'm not working, you can find me going for a walk, going down random streets, and talking to random people to stumble upon something new.

JULY 2011
DEC 2018

My First YouTube Video!

One winter break in my sophomore year of high school, I was scrolling through my old iPad. As I was going through, I found a bunch of really funny clips of myself from when I was little. I cherished the videos so much and wished that I recorded myself more as I was growing up. At that moment, I realized that every moment you don't record is a moment you'll never be able to look back on.

From there, I picked up my laptop, opened iMovie, and began editing my old videos in the hopes of preserving my memories with my friends in family. On my YouTube, you'll find content ranging from cooking tutorials, piano videos, and event recaps. Take a look at my channel and give me a subscribe!

William in a Berkeley hoodie

I Become a BEAR!

I never planned to go to Berkeley. My dream school was UCLA, but I am forever grateful that I became a bear. College is all about finding your fit, finding yourself, and pushing yourself to do uncomfortable things. It's about growth. Right in the center of Silicon Valley, surrounded by other brilliant minds, accomplished professors, and curious voices, I've had the to meet extraordinary peers, join talented clubs, and even found my own startup.

At Cal, I'm studying Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at the College of Engineering and Business Administration at the Haas School of Business. I've had the honor of being VP in the Vietnamese Student Association, a founder in Entrepreneurs @ Berkeley, and External VP in Codebase. My favorite things to do in Berkeley are hosting a rootop BBQ social, meeting other founders at entrepreneurship mixers, and catching up with some friends at Berkeley's AMAZING restaurants.

AUG 2021
MAY 2023
William and other Aveva interns

My Parents Finally Get Their ROI

That's me at my first real job!! In Summer of 2023, I had the opportunity to intern at Aveva as a software development intern. At Aveva, I learned about industrial software, networked with industry leaders in the domain, and created an internal web app for tracking Azure Cloud Resources and automatically scaling them.

From going to Tahoe with interns all the way from South Carolina, Texas, and Irvine, to touching a codebase with over 30,000 lines of code, to finally making my own money, this was one of my most impactful summers, and one I'll never forget.

My First Baby

Woah there, if you thought I got someone pregnant in college, you're way off! My first baby in college was BudBase, a social media app designed to help you revive your connections. The app is similar to Tinder, except it recommends people to you based on how long ago you've last seen them. Upon recommendation, the user can choose a date and time to meet up with their connection and keep the friendship alive.

I had never thought of myself as a founder, let alone CEO, but BudBase was my first taste of venture capital and affirmation that I could be a successful founder.

William and his team pitching Budbase to investors
AUG 2023

What Am I Up To Now?

Nowadays, I'm super interested in product management, software engineering, and diversity/equity/inclusion, particularly in the gaming, entertainment, and social networking industry. During the weekdays, you can find me studying for my classes, taking online courses on LinkedIn Learning, going to the gym, or working on a new venture. In my free time, I LOVE hosting social events, whether it be Burgers and Burglars (escape room and burgers after), Board Games & Boba, or Stories and Stirfry. I also love to play sports (badminton, volleyball, frisbee) and edit videos for my YouTube channel. Above all, I love meeting new people.

If you're based in the Bay Area, don't hesitate to reach out! I'd love to meet up and hear your story :D

William chilling on a couch